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    Fluid Control Equipment

    Free Float® Steam Traps (Medium/High Pressure)

    JH Series

    Mid to high pressure use up to 1,740 psig

    The JH series offers the three most important features needed in steam traps for steam-using equipment: a large condensate discharge capacity, powerful automatic air venting, and the ability to drain condensate in high pressure / temperature applications.

    The use of special construction materials also makes this series perfect for processes requiring cast steel valves, even if pressure isn't of particular concern.

    Free Float® Steam Trap Series Pamphlet

    Free Float® and Other Float Steam Trap Discharge Capacities Pamphlet

    Benefits and Features

    Improved Efficiency of Heating Equipment

    The Free Float® rises and sinks as the flow of condensate fluctuates, opening the valve to discharge condensate and closing off the valve when steam enters.
    The built-in X-element (model names including 'X') functions as an air vent, discharging both cool and hot air. As a result, the steam chamber inside the equipment contains only steam, which allows the equipment to achieve optimized heating performance.
    The built-in bimetal (model names including 'B') functions as an air vent, discharging initial cold air for rapid start-up.

    Long Service Life, Excellent Durability

    The spherical Free Float® rotates during operation, allowing any point on its surface to act as the valve seal and thus ensuring long service life.

    Protects Equipment

    'Fail Open' Design: The X-element is designed to fail open so that the valve remains open even in the event of failure.

    Also for Use on Mid/High-Pressure Main Lines

    The JH7 series employs the same 3-point seating construction found in products for use on main lines. The float is held tightly against the valve opening even under small condensate loads such as in superheated steam lines, so no steam is allowed to escape.

    Application Areas

    JH-X type
    • For steam processes up to 450 psig that require the discharge of initial air and high temperature air
    • Particularly for processes with batch operations and where condensate removal is difficult
    • Employs an automatic air vent (built-in X-element) that rapidly removes both cold and hot air

    JH-B type
    • For steam processes over 450 psig that require the discharge of initial air
    • Particularly for high temperature, high pressure steam mains and steam processes
    • Employs an automatic air venting feature (built-in bimetal)

    Product Details

    ModelPhotoConnectionBody MaterialPMO
    Discharge Capacity
    or Socket Welded
    Cast Stainless Steel (ASTM A351 Gr.CF8)4504641,500SpecificationsManual
    JH5RH-BSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)1,1508001,600SpecificationsManual
    JH5RL-BFlangedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)650800 1,600SpecificationsManual
    Socket Welded
    JH5RL-XFlangedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)4504642,200SpecificationsManual
    Socket Welded
    or Socket Welded
    Cast Stainless Steel (ASTM A351 Gr.CF8)4504642,200SpecificationsManual
    JH7.2R-BSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)6508006,000SpecificationsManual
    JH7.2R-XSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)450464 13,000SpecificationsManual
    JH7.5R-BSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)65080011,000SpecificationsManual
    JH7.5R-XSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)45046430,000SpecificationsManual
    JH7RH-BSocket WeldedLow Alloy Cast Steel (ASTM A217 Gr.WC9)1,5008001,400SpecificationsManual
    JH7RH-WSocket WeldedLow Alloy Cast Steel (ASTM A217 Gr.WC9)1,7409861,000SpecificationsManual
    JH7RL-BScrewedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)6508008,000SpecificationsManual
    Socket Welded
    JH7RL-XScrewedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)4504649,000SpecificationsManual
    Socket Welded
    JH7RM-BSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)9508001,700SpecificationsManual
    JH8R-BSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)65080015,000SpecificationsManual
    JH8R-XSocket WeldedCast Steel (ASTM A216 Gr.WCB)45046440,000SpecificationsManual
    • PMO = Maximum Operating Pressure
    • TMO = Maximum Operating Temperature

    The latest version of each product's instruction manual can be found on this page.

    Video of Free-Float® Steam Trap in Action

    • This video was filmed using a steam trap with a window added for demonstration purposes.
    • There is no sound for this video.


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